Join JoJo

Enjoy benefits by being JoJo’s member

JoJo members receive various benefits, such as substantial price benefits for performance tickets and courses organized by JoJo, as well as information related to JoJo’s activities and general dance and dance job opportunities.

General information

Join JoJo

JoJo members receive various benefits, such as significant price benefits from performance tickets and courses organized by JoJo  as well as information about JoJo and general dance and dance job opportunities. JoJo also organizes evenings and other joint events for its members.

Three different membership forms of JoJo

  1. Supporting member (most common membership form, membership fee once a year)
  2. Full member (membership is applied for separately from the board of the association, membership fee once a year)
  3. Permanent member (membership fee only once)

Jäsenmaksulomake 2021

Supporting member

  • 20 € / calendar year
    – Student, pensioner and unemployed 15 €
  • Entitles JoJo to membership benefits such as substantial ticket discounts on performances and courses
  • Information about dance and JoJo’s activities (valid for two years after paying the membership fee)
  • Membership events and other activities
    – Eg dance studio shift in Valve and Coffee at JoJo’s meetings

Pay the membership fee and state your name, email address and receipt of the payment to mira.kolanen(a)

Full member

Otherwise the same benefits and prices as the supporting member, but in addition:

  • Voting rights at JoJon meetings
    NOTE: Full membership must be applied for in writing from JoJo’s Board 
  • The membership is valid if the membership has not been terminated (membership fee has been paid regularly since the year of accession). Otherwise, the actual membership will be applied for again from the JoJo’s board.


1. Apply for full membership from the board

a) Send a written, free-form application by e-mail to helena.lindqvist(a)
b) Include personal information and a brief description of why you are applying for full membership
c) Address the application to the board of JoJo – Oulu Dance Center.

2. Pay the membership fee and state your name, email address and receipt of the payment to mira.kolanen (a)

Permanent member

  • € 100 one-time fee

  • Entitles to all JoJo membership benefits

  • Voting rights at JoJon meetings only if full membership has been applied for and granted

Pay the membership fee and state your name, email address and receipt of the payment to mira.kolanen(a)

Join JoJo

Enjoy benefits by being JoJo’s member!

JoJo members receive various benefits, such as substantial price benefits for performance tickets and courses organized by JoJo, as well as information related to JoJo’s activities and general dance and dance job opportunities.