Mothers and Daughters

Welcome to enjoy dance!

JoJo’s spring program 2024 consists of premieres and visiting performances.

About the performance

Impiiria Art Scene: Mothers and Daughters

Performance schedule

Vinttikamari, Oulu Theatre
Fri 9.2. at 19, Premiere
Sat 10.2. at 19
Thu 15.2. at 19
Fri 16.2. at 19, Audience Discussion
Sat 17.2. at 19

Description of the performance

Four dancers and nine puppets dance glimpses of the connection, bond, lived or unlived relationship between Mother and Daughter.

As a Daughter, are you loved, accepted, or do you feel worthless, inadequate, and unworthy?

The work draws from imperfection, from the courage to be oneself;  imperfect.

Director: Liisa Toivonen | Choreography: Director and working group | Dancers: Eerika Arposalo, Nina Bulgakova (UA), Inna Arya Postnikova (UA) and Kaisa Rundelin | Original idea and concept: Kaisa and Antti Rudelin | Set design and costumes: Pirjo Valinen | Music composition, sound design and audio visuals: Antti Rundelin | Production: JoJo – Oulu Dance Centre


20 e, normal ticket / 15 e, children, students, pensioners / 10 e JoJo members, Oamk dance teacher education (From Valve Ticket Office)

There are Kaikukortti tickets for the performances.

Delivery costs will be added to the ticket price.

Tickets are available for sale on both and Oulu Theatre’s service.

JoJo membership tickets and Kaikukortti tickets are available only from Valve Ticket office. 

Wheelchair seats are available for sale in the service. There are also last-minute 10 € Wörtti tickets for under 26-year-olds on performance days at Oulu Theatre’s ticket office. Tickets can be redeemed one hour before the performance at the theatre’s ticket office, if there are empty seats.

Kaikukortti logo

Other information

Please remember to follow the general safety and hygiene instructions at events:
– Please do not attempt to events with symptoms
– Good hand hygiene is important: wash your hands or use hand sanitizer
– Cough into a handkerchief or sleeve