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OuDance festival

Carl Knif Company: I address you

Welcome to OuDance Festival 11. -15.9.2024!

OuDance festival

Carl Knif Company: I address you


14.9. Saturday
Audience discussion

Description of the performance

I add­ress you is a per­so­nal and so­cie­tal so­lo that Carl Knif has crea­ted for him­self. Dra­wing on his own per­so­nal ex­pe­rien­ces, Knif’s per­for­man­ce al­ter­na­tes me­mo­ries and past events with mo­re re­cent phe­no­me­na that put self-es­teem, in­vio­la­bi­li­ty and em­pat­hy to the test.

The per­for­man­ce aims to ma­ke vi­sib­le the unw­rit­ten his­to­ry of the gay mi­no­ri­ty. How do si­len­ced ex­pe­rien­ces af­fect us? In what way are trau­mas pas­sed on from one ge­ne­ra­tion to the next? And how do we build an iden­ti­ty in an en­vi­ron­ment whe­re the­re are no ro­le mo­dels?

The lon­ging for real en­coun­ters and deep con­ver­sa­tions is the dri­ving for­ce be­hind this fu­rious dan­ce. I add­ress you en­cou­ra­ges con­ver­sa­tion and cham­pions the idea of a bet­ter world – it wants to get to the heart of li­fe, to step clo­se to you.

Di­rec­tor, cho­reog­rap­her and dan­cer: Carl Knif | Texts: Carl Knif | Light and set de­sign: Juk­ka Hui­ti­la | Sound de­sign and mu­sic: Jan­ne Hast | Cos­tu­me de­sign: Ka­ro­lii­na Koi­so-Kant­ti­la | Cos­tu­me & mask: Ni­na Uk­ko­nen | Voi­ceo­ver: Dud­ley Rees | Pho­tos: Yos­hi Omo­ri | Tea­sers and trai­ler: Björn Knif | Trans­la­tions: Ju­lian Gar­ner, Es­si Brun­berg | Pro­duc­tion: Carl Knif Com­pa­ny | Production of the visit: JoJo – Oulu Dance Centre | Duration: 50 min


20 € / 15 €

From Kulttuuritalo Valve ticket office and Ticketmaster.

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About the artist

Carl Knif is a dan­cer, cho­reog­rap­her, ar­tis­tic di­rec­tor and the foun­der of Carl Knif Com­pa­ny. Knif has crea­ted nu­me­rous cho­reog­rap­hies for CKC and car­ried out co-pro­duc­tions and com­mis­sio­ned works for thea­ters and dan­ce hou­ses.

Knif graduated from the Theatre Academy in Helsinki in 2000 and has since then been at the forefront of Finnish dancers. He has been a dancer in Tero Saarinen Company since 2004. Since 2007, Knif has been focused on his own choreographic work. 

Knif was awar­ded the Sta­te Pri­ze for Per­for­ming Arts in 2016.

Other information

Please remember to follow the general safety and hygiene instructions for events:
– Don’t participate if you are infectious or symptomatic 
– Take care of hand hygiene; wash your hands or use hand sanitizer
– Cough into a handkerchief or your sleeve