The Stripper

Welcome to enjoy dance!

JoJo’s program in 2025 consists of JoJo’s own productions and guest performances.

About the performance

Milla Virtanen: The Stripper

Performance schedule

Sat 22.3. at 19, Premiere
Sun 23.3. at 16
Thu 27.3. at 19, Audience discussion
Fri 28.3. at 19
Fri 16.5. at 19
Sat 17.5. at 19

Description of performance

The Stripper is a production directed by dance artist Milla Virtanen including dance, physical theatre, and live music. The performers are Merja Satulehto, Heljä Hauru, Jussi Väänänen, Jared van Earle and Samu Forsblom. The working group also includes Anssi Laiho, Jari Haavikko and Sylvi Siltavirta. The distinctive features of Virtanen’s works are absurdity, a tuned atmosphere, original humour and visuality.

Welcome to enjoy the performance!

Production: JoJo – Oulu Dance Centre & BAM BAM Art Productions ry | Supported by: Finnish Cultural Foundation, City of Oulu, Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taike) & Oulun Valistustalorahasto Foundation | Duration: 50 Min


23 e (regular ticket) / 17 e (pensioners, students, etc) / 12 e (JoJo member-priced ticket)

Tickets from Ticketsales office at Cultural Centre Valve and Shipping and handling costs will be added to tickets purchased from the online store.

Kaikukortti: 6 tickets / performance

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Other information

Please remember to follow the general safety and hygiene instructions for events:
– Don’t come to events when having symptoms